New Connections - Residential - Arizona Water - Liberty
For individual locations that have never had a connection. This process is applicable for new water and/or new sewer connections.
If you have an existing water connection and need to start, stop, or transfer service, please click the link below.
For new developments where infrastructure is being added, please visit our New Connections Process page.
This is a three-step process that begins with an inquiry, followed by an application and payment. The process can take several days to several weeks depending on existing infrastructure.

Step 1:
Let's check to see if you are in our service area and what is available at your location.
Please fill out the form at the button below and send the completed form to A response to your inquiry may take up to 10 days.
Submit an InquiryIf you are in the Rio Rico area, please fill out and submit the form below.
Inquiry and AddendumFor hydrant meters, please proceed to Step 2: Application.
Payment Information will be included in our response to the inquiry. To view current tariffs, please visit our Rates page at the button below.
View Current Rates

Step 2:
Please fill out the application at the button below, then send the completed application to
If you are a contractor and you need a hydrant meter, please fill out this application and send to

Step 3:
Water Meters: Work orders are issued daily. The completion of the work order may take several days. Water meter boxes will be inspected for these elements prior to meter install/transfer.
Water Service Lines: Liberty installation available in Rio Rico, Sierra Vista, Surprise, and Wittmann only. Service line installatons may take several weeks depending on permits and construction requirements.
Sewer Connections: In areas where we do not provide the water, we will inspect the connection. All new services must have a sewer disconnect valve installed. All disconnect valves are required to pass two inspections.
Hydrant Meters: If available, installation in 5-10 days.
**Please make sure there is an address visible at the location.**