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 Community Events 

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 Community Events 

Rich River Track and Field Camp
Rich River Track and Field Camp

Liberty is rolling out the water and more for the 3rd-5th graders in Santa Cruz County participating in the Rich River Track and Field Camp. It’s important to stay hydrated, especially when exercising in the hot southern Arizona sun. Liberty was proud to provide its water wagon so camp participants could access quality water at the track and field, as well as goodie bags that included Liberty fans, cooling rags, shower timers, water conservation coloring books, and more.

Rain Barrel Distribution Event
Rain Barrel Distribution Event

Recently, Liberty coordinated the first rain barrel distribution event for our customers in the Litchfield Park area with Rain Barrels International. Customers were also able to attend a free, optional Rainwater Harvesting Workshop. A total of 76 rain barrels were distributed to our customers!

Celebrating Earth Day by Helping to Clean Our Communities
Celebrating Earth Day by Helping to Clean Our Communities

As a part of our Earth Day celebrations, Liberty employees throughout Arizona got together and organized clean-up events in the communities we serve. Our Rio Rico team worked with Rio Rico Sanitation at a local “de-clutter” event, while our Sierra Vista team helped clean Soldier Creek’s Park and Trail.

Hearts and Hands Week

Liberty employees recently participated in Liberty’s second annual Hearts and Hands Week. Over the course of the week, employees volunteered at events that would benefit the customers and communities we serve.

Community Events