Infrastructure Investments
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Liberty is proud to deliver safe and reliable wastewater service to our customers and communities in Arizona.
Strengthening the Reliability of Our Wastewater System
The series of capital projects contribute to a more reliable and resilient wastewater system that meets state and federal standards. These projects are imperative to maintaining a system that protects your health, the health of your community, and the environment.

Redundant Bar Screen. This will increase resiliency, reduce down time, and ultimately be more efficient and lower costs for repair and replacement.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and lift station telemetry upgrades will improve the overall operation of the treatment facility and lift stations delivering real time data. This monitoring equipment will improve response time should an issue or emergency occur, keeping your service uninterrupted.

Decant Wet Well Pump. This upgrade helps prevent a sewer overflow at the facility. Health, safety and environmental impacts are mitigated with this improvement. Potential for customer backups are also significantly reduced.

Disc Filter 1 & 2 filter replacement and actuator valve replacement. The disk filters are the last treatment process prior to chlorination and then recharge/re-use. This improvement contributes to the process being categorized as a “Class A” effluent, which is the highest possible standard.

Re-use pump replacement. The pump replacement reduces the need for domestic water and allows re-use water in plant operations, resulting in cost savings and improving sustainability.

Re-use pump variable frequency drive replacements. This improvement brings equipment up to current standards and improves efficiency and redundancy for better and more resilient operation.

Redundant digester blower. This provides a secondary option to ensure plant operation can continue with the loss of one blower which would impact the treatment process, ultimately providing better resiliency.

Redundant sludge pump replacement. Redundant pumps increase resiliency and lower the chance of interrupted plant operation which could result in higher costs and emergencies.

16” Disc filter & 24” Mixed liquor valve repairs. The disc filters allow isolation of clarifiers and continued operation should an issue occur to one of the clarifiers. This investment improves consistent plant operation and reduces down time.

Chemical Polymer Skids. Will reduce and save the amount of chemicals we use as part of the dewatering process. The dewatering process removes water from the solids thereby reducing the water weight of the end product that goes to the landfill, reducing cost.

Effluent Pump Replacement. Effluent is pumped from our wet well post treatment and send treated effluent to our recharge basins. The water discharged to the recharge basins then have the opportunity to percolate back into the water table to recharge the water aquifer.

Smoke tests in the Gold Canyon, AZ wastewater system help maintain system integrity. Conducting these tests allows Liberty to be proactive and continue to provide reliable wastewater service so customers don’t have to worry about potential sewer blockages, leakage or overflow.

Rotork Valve Actuator Replacement - These valves adjust based on loading to maintain dissolved O2 levels, which is critical to the proper biological treatment, particularly when flows increase and decrease. This will provide an overall operation efficiency.

Bioreactor upgrades - The Bioreactor upgrades provide for overall increased plant capacity, and redundancy (backup) which allows for uninterrupted treatment during maintenance work.

Belt Filter Press Reconditioning - The belt filter press Is a piece of equipment used in liquid / solid separation reducing liquid weight and increasing solid waste for disposal. This in turn increases the amount of liquid to be treated and reduces the cost of solid disposal. Reconditioning is a much more cost-effective option compared to replacement at an estimated $850,000).